Protecting Lives and Assets : : : : : News:::: Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation assigns Property Guards to prosecute Civic Offenders ...


Bollywood actor and filmmaker Sunil Shetty launched the movie, 'Mumbai Chakachak' at a glitzy event at Salt Water Grill. Municipal Commisioner Shri (Dr.) Jairaj Pathak, Ex-Muncipal Commissioner G R Khairnar and Shri R. Rajeev along with our Honorable CMD Shri Vikash Verma, who are known for their courage, launched the website of the film. Rahul Bose and Ayesha Dharker were among those who attended the do. Venue: Salt Water Grill, Charni Road, Wednesday evening
Present: Sunil Shetty, Shri (Dr.) Jairaj Pathak, Shri R. A. Rajeev, Mandira Bedi, Cyrus Broacha,Rahul Bose, Ayesha Dharker, Vinay Pathak, Suresh Menon, G R Khairnar, Sabrina Lal

Bill Clinton
Former President of U.S.A
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Chairman, Microsift Corpn.
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POP Megastar
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